Physical/Chemical/Bacterial Data Form
To be conducted every month

Use this form and the Adopt-A-Stream methods to record important information about the health of your stream. By keeping accurate and consistent records of your physical/chemical tests, you can document current conditions and changes in water quality.

AAS group name: Callaway Gardens AAS County: Harris
Group ID number AAS-G Topo Map
Site ID Number AAS-S
Stream name Mountain Creek
Certified QA/QC investigators:

Courtney Holt   
Other registered participants:

Unregistered participants:
Total number
of participants:
Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Time: (hh:mm am/pm)
Time Spent Monitoring
Picture/Photo Documentation?
yes / no
Site/location Description: Mountain Creek just as it leaves the Gardens. Most of substrate is rocky but certain sections are silted in significantly. Some erosion on banks. Well-shaded. Fairly shallow (up to 1.5 feet deep in some parts).
Rain in last 24 hours     Present conditions    
heavy rain steady rain heavy rain steady rain intermittent rain
intermittent rain none overcast partly cloudy clear/sunny
Amount of rain, if known? inches in last hours / days
BASIC TESTS: Sample 1 Sample 2 Result
Air Temperature (°C)
Water Temperature (°C)
pH (0 - 14)
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L or ppm)
Conductivity (µs/cm)
Alkalinity (mg/L or ppm)
Nitrate-Nitrogen (mg/L or ppm)
Ammonia-Nitrogen (mg/L or ppm)
Ortho-phosphate (mg/L or ppm)
Settleable Solids (mg/l)
Salinity (ppt)
Fecal Coliform (cfu / 100 mL)
Escherichia coli (cfu / 100 mL)
Chlorophyll A (mg/L or ppm)
Turbidity (NTU)
Secchi Disk Depth (cm)
3M Petrifilm Method:
Run at least 3 tests for each site (plates 1-3). A blank is also recommended (plate 0).
Plate AVG # of colonies
(total # colonies / total # of plates)
cfu /100 mL
blank 1 2 3 4 5

Date/Time in
mm/dd/yyyy    hh:mm   am/pm
Start / Min Temperature End Date/Time
mm/dd/yyyy    hh:mm   am/pm
End / Max Temperature Total Time

Note: E. coli must be incubated for 24 hours +/- 1 hour at 35 degrees Celsius, +/- 1 degree
SPECIAL LAB ANALYSIS: Name of lab performing tests: